Rochester Reverie

In the shadow of Erieโ€™s whispering waves, where cobblestone streets cradle memories, I resideโ€”Rochester, a city etched in sepia tones. Allow me to paint you a lyrical portrait of this storied land:

Here, George Eastmanโ€™s ghost tiptoes through the Kodak factory, humming forgotten melodies. The silver halides, like celestial notes, dance in darkrooms. The shutter clicksโ€”a heartbeatโ€”capturing moments that linger in amber albums. And the sunsetsโ€”oh, the sunsetsโ€”they spill over Lake Ontario, their hues a symphony of forgotten dreams.

In May, Highland Park bloomsโ€”a lilac reverie. The air, intoxicated by lavender, pirouettes with petals. The Lilac Festival unfoldsโ€”a masquerade of laughter and funnel cakes. And the lilacsโ€”those fragrant poetsโ€”whisper verses to the wind, their syllables carried by monarch butterflies.

The Genesee Riverโ€”a serpentine balladโ€”winds through gorges. Its rapids, like stanzas, cascade over ancient rocks. The High Falls, a crescendo of mist, sings of industry and resilience. And the bridgesโ€”oh, the bridgesโ€”they arch like metaphors, connecting past to present.

IV. The Garbage Plate Ode

Behold the Garbage Plateโ€”a culinary rhapsody. At Nick Tahouโ€™s, the gods of gluttony feast. Mac salad embraces home fries, while hot dogs and cheeseburgers tango in secret sauce. The brave devour this medley, their arteries humming jazz tunes. And the heartburnโ€”oh, the heartburnโ€”itโ€™s a badge of honor.

Winter descendsโ€”a soft sonnet. Snowflakes pirouette, each one a fragile verse. They blanket Corn Hill, cloaking brownstones and wrought-iron gates. Children build snowmenโ€”frosty philosophersโ€”debating existence. And the fireplacesโ€”oh, the fireplacesโ€”they crackle with stories, thawing frozen souls.

At 17 Madison Street, the Susan B. Anthony House hums. Suffrage echoes in its wallsโ€”the ink of ballots, the echo of speeches. Susanโ€™s specterโ€”tenacious and unyieldingโ€”whispers to visitors: โ€œVote, for your voice is a stanza in democracyโ€™s epic.โ€

And so, I dwell in this Rochester reverie, where seasons pirouette, rivers compose, and history etches poetry across brick facades.

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Belinda & Pete

We’ve been been involved in so many projects over the years. We finally decided we should do something together – other than the whole marriage thing. We’ll see how this goes!

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