Awakening Brew

Setting: A cozy kitchen bathed in dawn’s gentle light.


In the quiet hush of morning’s embrace, When shadows yield to the sun’s warm grace, A humble ritual unfolds—a sacred vow, As the kettle hums and the beans awaken now.

The Aroma

From the depths of the grinder, they emerge, Coffee beans, like ancient travelers, converge, Their fragrance spills—a promise unspoken, A symphony of roasted notes, hearts woken.

The Pouring

The porcelain cup awaits, its curve a chalice, Eager to cradle this liquid alchemy, this solace, Hot streams cascade—a river of amber dreams, And suddenly, the world is not what it seems.

The First Sip

Lips meet porcelain, and time suspends, As if the universe leans in, comprehends, The bitterness kisses the tongue, then retreats, Leaving warmth, courage, and whispered feats.

The Awakening

Within those sips, galaxies unfurl, Ideas spark, dormant embers swirl, The mundane becomes canvas, the ordinary divine, As caffeine dances with neurons, intertwine.

The Muse

Oh, morning coffee, you are the muse, The inkwell of poets, the painter’s hues, You coax the drowsy mind, ignite the spark, And suddenly, we’re warriors, ready to embark.

The Ritual

So let the steam rise, let the aroma linger, As we sip from this cup—a morning singer, For in this brew, we find motivation’s key, A caffeinated anthem to set our spirits free.

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Belinda & Pete

We’ve been been involved in so many projects over the years. We finally decided we should do something together – other than the whole marriage thing. We’ll see how this goes!

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